The Midlife Routine: How to Incorporate Strength Training into Your Busy Schedule

May 10, 2023

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Apple Podcast - Spotify


Is exercise in midlife really all that important?

Would you rather be doing just about anything other than exercising?

After all, the extra time and an open schedule can be challenging.


I get it.

The truth is, yes, exercise is important enough for you to prioritize.
But not the exercise you are thinking of.

Getting older has loads of great benefits, but choosing not to include exercise and include daily movement in your schedule may set you up for health issues that are better avoided.


Exercise in midlife is necessary for longevity, health and will help you build strong muscles to maintain your independence as you age. 


And as added benefit doing the proper exercise gets your body in metabolism-boosting & fat-burning mode fast.



I have great news for you and some myths to bust. 


It's time to hang...

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Tackling Menopause Belly Fat with Exercise: A Guide to Strength Training, Workouts and daily Movement

Apr 12, 2023

Music provided by: 


Apple Podcast - Spotify

Wouldn't life be simpler if losing weight was actually a calorie-in/calories-out math equation? But in reality, eating less and exercising more does not guarantee you lose belly fat. And as you get older, it can create the opposite and cause you to increase in weight and inches instead. So, let's get this figured out. In menopause, your body needs supported hormones and strategic exercising to burn fat faster without burning you out.


A few decades ago, cardio was all the rage. Women couldn't get enough of it and thought this was the magic pill to weight loss. We now have the research to prove this is not true, and excessive cardio is not beneficial for women at any age. But in menopause, you for sure do not need more cardio. 

Let's also clear up the confusion around cardiovascular disease and cardio exercise. Doing one doesn't negate the other. The cause of...

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